
The new president of the Society

Due to the tragical death of our former president, Marianne Sághy, the Hungarian Society for Hagiographical Studies elected the new president. The new president of the Society is Gábor Klaniczay.


Gábor Klaniczay is University Professor at the Central European Universitz (CEU), Department of Medieval Studies. He studied at Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE), Budapest and EHESS, Paris. He has been teaching at ELTE since 1983, since 1997 only part-time,  as Honorary Professor. His principal employer is, since 1993, CEU. Between 1997 and 2002 he was Rector of Collegium Budapest / Institute for Advanced Study, and until 2011 he was Permanent Fellow there. Between 2010 and 2014 he directed a research project financed by the Hungarian Research Fund OTKA, Communicating Sainthood – Constituting Regions and Nations in East-Central Europe, Tenth-Sixteenth Centuries, affiliated to the EuroCORECODE project Symbols that Bind and Break Communities. Saints’ Cults as Stimuli and Expressions of Local, Regional, National and Universalist Identities, which grouped Norwegian, Danish, Estonian and Austrian groups of scholars. Since 2014 he is correspondant étranger of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Paris. His principal research field is the historical anthropology of Christianity (sainthood, miracle beliefs, stigmata, visions, healing, magic, witchcraft). He is also dealing with regional comparisons, situating medieval and early modern Central Europe in a broader context, and he equally researches modern perceptions and misuses of medieval heritage.

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